Friday, March 16, 2012

What's Bloomin'

Spring has arrived very early here in Ohio. I can't remember ever having so many warm sunny days in March and I love it but I'm fearful. It's just too early for things to be budding and blooming the way they are.  Forecast for the next ten days is pretty much 60s+70s which means trees will start blooming.
I'm praying we don't get a hard freeze!!

It hasn't been cold enough to kill the weeds this winter and my flower beds are just being overtaken by them. I have been working on them the last week, spending hours trying to eradicate them. I have never seen anything like it. This is what I'm dealing with. My flower beds are just covered with it.

If you try to pull it out it breaks off at the root. You have to dig it out. It's extremely time-consuming.

Here's a few photo's of what's blooming at Serenity Cove.

Hellebores are the first flowers to bloom, usually late February or early March. It's not unusual to see these blooming when we still have snow.

I wish I knew the names to these but when I first started gardening it wasn't that important. I am hoping to add some more species to my garden this year. Hellebores do great in shade.

Crocuses are the next to bloom.

Followed by Grecian Windflowers.


I just found these little beauties blooming this morning. Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash.

Happy Spring!!


  1. These are beautiful pictures of all your spring flowers. My trees are all starting to blossom so I'm hoping that we're not going to get anymore bad weather. Have a good weekend! Jx

  2. Pearl I have those same nasty weeds all over my flower beds now too. I have to try to get them dug out while the weather lasts. Your hellebore's are just so pretty but I am loving the blue Windflower. I can get them to grow but then they die for some reason before they bloom. Yours is just beautiful. Like you this warm weather has me fearful about our fruit trees and flowering shrubs here. It is just too soon. Have a terrific weekend.

  3. I had those weeds last year already when I came home from Fla. It was awful. Who knows how it will look this year. I need a gardener to deal with that stuff. Your flowers are beautiful.

  4. Carolyn...I guarantee they will be worse this year. They've been growing all winter. I hope the weather doesn't turn cold again. I saw some trees in full bloom today. It's just beautiful. This is the spring I've waited my whole life for:)

  5. Pearl, Me too. I hope it's still spring in two weeks when we get home.

  6. Pearl,

    The weeds you are showing look to be Winter Cress, it is a winter annual, soon to die of and seed for next year. I leave some of them for the Falcate Orangetip butterflies to nectar on. Beautiful hellebores all of them! The Flower Record crocuses are stunning, all our crocuses are finished already...
